April Wrap Up 2017

Goodbye April. You were awesomely chaotic. I might be biased but I do believe April is the best time of year. Spring is in full bloom, the air feels fresh and I celebrated my 23rd birthday. It might be early but I’ve already entered this quarter life crisis mode! Adulting is hard.

So to celebrate the big day I was treated to a nice haul of books so my collection of unread books has increased in size…again. I also found myself in a self-induced food coma, it was a treat day. 😉

In other news I also started another job in April. That means I am working a total of 3 part time jobs now and it’s as chaotic as it sounds. I’m holding up so far so we’ll see how it goes.

Sadly, I didn’t have the best reading month and due to my busy schedule I spent the duration of April reading The Winner’s Curse. This book was beautiful and heartbreaking and I am happy I gave it a chance and terrified of the rest of the series.


The Winner’s Curse (The Winner’s Trilogy #1) by Marie Rutkoski: 4/5 Stars

7th April: Outrun the Moon by Stacey Lee
13th April: Coming in From the Cold by Sarina Bowen
17th April: A Conjuring of Light by V. E. Schwab

Top Ten Tuesday
11th April: Unique Book Titles
18th April: Topics That’ll Make Me Read the Book
25th April: Bookish Turn Offs

Waiting on Wednesday
5th April: An Enchantment of Ravens
th April: Jane, Unlimited
19th April: The Language of Thorns
26th April: The Queen and the Cure

27th April: This or That Book Tag
29th April: Dream Reading Space

Favourite posts in April

Sara @ Freadom Library talks about the lack of female friendships in YA books.

Maha @ A Younicorn Reads wonders what’s the cure to problematic books?

The Orangutan Librarian comes to the defense of writing in books.

Jesse @ Books at Dawn introduced his new guest blogger, Nicole.

CW @ Read, Think, Ponder gives us some prompts for writing positive reviews.

Louise @ Genie Reads talks about killing the Request button on NetGalley.

Molly @ Molly’s Book Nook gives us an introduction to the basics of SEO.

Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight explains just how easy it is to go bookishly bankrupt.

May Goals

Complete the Winner’s Trilogy. I must admit, knowing that The Winner’s Crime is basically angst galore intimidates me. I’m not good at dealing with these emotionally charged, frustrated reads simply because I get way to invested and I end an emotional wreck by the end. However, I really enjoyed the Winner’s Curse and am really intrigue by the world and it’s politics. So my plan of action is to read the second book as fast as I can so I can get to the final installment where, hopefully, there will be a bit more happiness.

I’m also planning to finally watch Black Sails. I’ve seen the first episode and thought it was a solid introduction to the world and I definitely want to see what else it has instore for us.

April was personally a busy month but slow in terms of reading and blogging.
How did April treat you?


15 thoughts on “April Wrap Up 2017

  1. thank you so much for featuring me in your recap! it means a lot 💘
    and spring means the same for me as it does for you. flowers blooming, the sun appearing, the nature, the butterflies…i love it. ALSO, the winner’s trilogy looks amazing!! glad that you liked the first book it makes me even more excited to read it.
    and i wish you all the luck in your three jobs, it must be so hard to cope with all of it.
    have a nice day! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love the freshness of spring. It just makes me feel so alive and ready to conquer the world.
      I’ve finished the Winner’s Trilogy and it was heartbreakingly painful. The ending was everything I wanted it to be and so much more but I cannot forgive Marie Rutkoski for putting me through the pain of The Winner’s Crime.
      So far I think I’m doing a good job at balancing the three but we’ll see how long that lasts haha.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Ahah April was a busy month personally for me as well! Quite slow for reading and blogging though, like you. I hope you enjoy the rest of the Winner’s Curse series!! I love those books so much. ❤ Here's hoping for a more peaceful May ahah, though with 3 jobs that must be very hard to come by. Best of luck! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve finished the trilogy and it crushed me into tiny little shreds and pieced me together again by the end. Kestrel and Arin deserve a lifetime of happiness after everything they went through. Life is definitely more chaotic with these jobs but it’s money in my pocket and that means my trip to Canada is doable haha.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Louise. So far the new job is going well so here’s hoping it continues. May has already been a better reading month as I’ve finished the Winner’s trilogy. Now I’m in a serious book coma though.


    1. Thank you. I hope you had a wonderful birthday as well. April really is the best month. 😉 I just finished the entire Winner’s Trilogy and it was so painful but so beautiful as well. The political maneuvering in that series is genius.


  3. YES TO THE WINNER’S CURSE! It’s one of my favorite books of all time (intelligent heroine + exquisite writing + great romance = <3) so I'm so glad you enjoyed it as much as I did. Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous recap!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Good for you! You deserve all those books. 😀 (But three jobs, Lois?? I don’t know how you do it. 😮 Don’t burn yourself out!! Don’t forget to take care of yourself and unwind when you can.)

    Haha, and I already know how your marathon with The Winner’s trilogy went. XD I’m going to reply to your Goodreads message later today. (I’m sorry I’ve been so MIA when it comes to replying…)

    Anyway, I hope you’re having a lovely May! ❤


    Liked by 1 person

    1. There’s no chance in me burning out yet. The reason I have the third job is because the hours at my two other weren’t amounting to much and I needed the extra money haha. Monday is my only full day off so I love that day now.

      I’m still recovering from that emotional trauma. Seriously if I didn’t have you to vent to I’d have gone mad haha.

      Hope you’re enjoying the summer. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

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