March Wrap Up 2016

How is it that we’re already a quarter of the way through the year? March was a slow reading month for me and it seems 3 book is now my monthly average haha. Admittedly I’ve been in a bit of a slump as of late but things are looking up and it looks like I’ve got my reading mojo back so hopefully April will be a lot more productive. 

march wrap up 2016.png

Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry: 3/5 Stars

Siren’s Song (Storm Siren #3) by Mary Weber: 4 Stars

Riders (Riders #1) by Veronica Rossi: 3.5/5 Stars

Features at My Midnight Musing

Top Ten Tuesday
1st March: Contemporary Recommendations
10th March: Characters people like but I don’t
17th March: Spring TBR 2016
24th March: Favourite Quotes from Books I Don’t Talk About Enough
31st March: Recent 5 Star Reads

Waiting on Wednesday
2nd March: Gemina
9th March: Three Dark Crowns
16th March:
23rd March: The Last Boy and Girl in the World
30th March: The Twelve Days of Dash and Lily

4th March: Beautiful Blogger Award
6th March: Pixar Book Tag
17th March: Book Tag: Soundtrack to My Life
27th March: The Playlist Shuffle Tag

TV Talks
I also introduced a new feature this month where I spotlight and discuss some of the current TV shows I’ve been watching. Mr. Robot is the first installment to this feature and if you’ve not watched this show yet I suggest you add it to your must watch list. It’s just that good. 

Favourite Posts in March

Rashika @ The Social Potato posted this very insightful discussion on the consequences of subtweeting and twitter as a safe space. 

Aentee @ The Social Potato looks at the neverending series and wonders if there can be too much of a good thing.

Reg @ She Latitude looks at the factors needed for a book to receive that elusive Five Star rating. 

Ali @ Arctic Books asks if you change your ratings.

Jorelene @ Page Chronicles asks us if we Enjoyed Assigned Reading, to which I answered no haha. She also provides this wonderful post on the on going debate of E-books vs Physcial Copies.

Aimee @ Deadly Darlings gives us 5 Kick-ass Facts about Book Bloggers.

Aimal @ Bookshelves and Paperbacks talks about abusive relationships in YA.

Joan @ Fiddler Blue discusses why Misrepresentation is just as bad as being under-represented. 

Joey @ Another Afterthough provides some essential tips that will help you navigate Book Outlet like a boss. 

April To Be Read List

Hopefully April will be a more productive reading month for me. Two books I will definitely be reading this month are Wolf by Wolf and Salt to the Sea. The only problem is, I don’t which one to read first so I need some guidance. On top of that the highly anticipated conclusion to The Raven Cycle will be released at the end of the month so I am emotionally preparing myself for this roller-coaster. Bring on the book coma. 

April also happens to be my birth month so there’s a high possibility that I might go overboard with the book buying. What can I say, I like to treat myself and it’s a special occasion haha. 

How has March treated you?
Which books have made it to your April to-read list?


20 thoughts on “March Wrap Up 2016

  1. Wolf by Wolf is a book I have heard SO much about! I am usually not into that kind of genre, but after reading only loving reviews over and over, I got kind of swayed. I am super intrigued about what you are going to say. 😀 Hope you have a great April!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If I hadn’t have seen so many glowing reviews I probably would have given Wolf by Wolf a pass. So far I’m intrigued and I have some questions I need answered. However, the book has to contend with a Hobbit/LOTR movie marathon haha.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Wolf by Wolf and Salt to the Sea are on my TBR too! I’m not planning on reading either of them before the summer though, so I’m really excited for your reviews. I’m not sure which you should read first… Maybe do a coin flip? 🙂

    I’m so happy that you liked a couple of my March discussion posts enough to consider them favorites! Thank you so much! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Based on a majority vote I’ve decided to go with Wolf by Wolf first and even though I’m only 50 pages in I am definitely intrigued and impressed. 😀

      Thank you for the insightful discussion posts. I loved reading them.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Riders is definitely a fun read and the concept is really fascinating so it brings a lot of good character dynamics into the story.

      I hope March has been kind to you and that April is just as kind. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m only 50 pages in to the book but I am definitely intrigued so I’m excited to see how things unfold. The only downside is that it has to contend with a Hobbit/Lord of the Rings movie marathon so I’m easily distracted at the moment haha.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Sorry about the bit of a slump you were in. I know how that feels! Hopefully it leaves you alone in April ❤

    I've been hearing SO much about Wolf By Wolf. Admittedly, when I first saw it I wasn't planning on reading it, but everyone in the book community has changed my mind haha.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I definitely feel a bit more motivated this month so I will take that as a positive sign haha.

      If I hadn’t read so many amazing reviews chances are I probably wouldn’t have given the book a chance. So far the book is really interesting and I’m excited to see how things unravel. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks for the shout-out! Seems like you had a productive blogging month — way to go with sticking with all the TTTs and Waiting on Wednesdays!

    I’ve also been wanting to watch Mr Robot, and hopefully I’ll get to do that sooner or later. The DVD was released last month so hopefully I can get a copy from work and just watch it at home. The main character sounds grey and that’s exciting to me.

    My vote goes to Wolf by Wolf, by the way. Hope you like the book! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve actually started utilizing the scheduled posts and that has definitely made life a bit easier haha.

      Mr. Robot is such a great show to binge watch. It does a really good job at exploring mental illness and the hacker mentality. Christian Slater and Rami Malek are phenomenal in it as well. I hope you manage to snag a copy and that you enjoy the show.

      Wolf by Wolf is now the chosen one and so far I’m intrigued and I can’t see the resistance plan going as smoothly as they’d like.


      1. That’s super smart! I’ve tried scheduling posts as well and for some reason sometimes they just don’t get published, which is why I tend to just publish them manually. Have you experienced this problem? D:

        Yeees for Wolf by Wolf! Super excited to hear your thoughts – I’m just hoping I haven’t hyped it up too much, because that can be a double-edged sword for sure. :p

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I’ve had that problem sometimes. It’s like the site has a mind of it’s own. And if it does post it usually does it like and hour or two after I scheduled it to go up. It’s weird.
          So far I am loving the book. I like how we’re literally thrown into the action from the get go. 😀


  5. I am so excited to hear your thoughts on Wolf by Wolf, Lois! I think you’ll really enjoy it! After The Winner’s Kiss, I’m starting to feel an onset of slump coming along. But I guess that’ll be just perfect since I’m behind on reviewing the books I read in March. I read 7 which is a big surprise for me. 😅3 books is actually my average! And despite your tiny slump you seemed to have a pretty successful blogging month. The fact that you get those Tuesdays and Wednesdays posts published so promptly is literally goals. If only I was that organized with my blogging… 🙂 Anyway, hope you have a lovely April! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 150 pages in and I am hooked to Wolf by Wolf. I’m sensing the big theme of this book is identity and I’m interested in seeing how Yael copes the further she gets in to the race.
      I always seem to fall into a slump after finishing an amazing book but yes it does seem like this slump might provide an opportunity to play catch up haha.
      I don’t know why it’s taken me so long but I think I’ve finally got the hang of scheduling posts and it’s made me a lot more chilled when it comes to these weekly meme’s.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. The ending to Wolf by Wolf crushed me. I can’t believe I didn’t see that twist coming. The stress is real and I need book 2.
          Iron to Iron is definitely next on my to read list cause the dynamic between Luka and Adele is intriguing. 😀

          Liked by 1 person

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