Top Ten Tuesday: Characters people like but I don’t

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and Bookish where we get a new topic for a top 10 list.

This week is all about characters that everyone seems to love but I just don’t see the appeal. This was a tough topic for me because I’m either indifferent to a character a or just don’t care about them so I had to think hard about the ones that I remember provoking a negative reaction from me. top 10 characters i don't like.png

1. Simon from The Mortal Instruments: This was an easy choice. I just thought he was annoying. I didn’t feel anything for him and most of the time when he appeared I found myself rolling my eyes. 

2. Jason from The Heroes of Olympus: I felt like Jason was being shoved down my throat for most of this series like he was Percy’s replacement or something. I don’t find his character interesting and to me he didn’t have much of a personality. 

3. Bitterblue from The Graceling Realm: I didn’t like her when she appeared in Graceling and then when I read her book, Bitterblue, I found that I still didn’t care about her or her situation. 

4. Lola from Lola and the Boy Next Door: It’s not that I don’t like her it’s more that I just don’t care about her. I wasn’t invested in her story and while I admired her confidence in embracing her quirky style, I just couldn’t find any connection with her. 

5. Sloane from Since You’ve Been GoneThe more I read about Emily coming out of her comfort zone and developing friendships outside of Sloane, the more my interest in her disappearance dwindled. Plus as I was reading the flashbacks I thought she was quite manipulative in some ways and it rubbed me the wrong way.

6. Adam from The Raven Cycle: Hold the pitchforks and hear me out here. Adam has grown a lot over the course of the books but in the beginning he irked me a lot. While I sympathised with his situation I felt like he took this “woe is me” persona to the extreme.

7. Eleanor and ParkI read this book because I’d heard so many people raving about it. However, as I was reading it I didn’t really feel anything. I was basically numb and I just read it so I could basically finish it. I was really sad when I finished it and didn’t love it like I was hoping to.

8. Froi from The Lumatere Chronicles: I think one of the reasons I’ve been putting off reading the sequel in this series is because of the fact that Froi takes the lead in the narrative. Finnikin stole my heart in the first book but Froi and I had some MAJOR issues. Granted he did show signs of improvement by the end but it wasn’t enough to make me completely love him. I hope when I do read the sequel I end up appreciating him a lot more but at the moment Finnikin still has my heart.

9. Tris from The Divergent TrilogyWhen I first read this series I thought it was epic. However, as time passes and more books are added to my reading pile, I found Divergent to be lacking. Thinking back I don’t actually remember swooning over this series that much and Tris’ actions in Insurgent just pissed me off for the most part.

10. Ben Parish from The 5th WaveBleh. I enjoyed The 5th Wave for the most part but reading Ben’s passages just bored me. I didn’t care about him one bit and the fact that his character was also included to open up this love triangle put me off big time. 

Those are the characters I just don’t like. Who don’t you like?

31 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Characters people like but I don’t

  1. I didn’t like Lola either! Her book is my least favorite out of the entire trilogy. I think if I read Divergent I wouldn’t like Tris as much but when I read it when I was 13, she was my hero, haha.

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    1. As a series Divergent was one of the first dystopian books I’d read so i had no real comparison with the exception of THG. I just remember how frustrated I was with her impulsiveness in Insurgent haha.


    1. I feel like in general Jason isn’t the most loved character but on the whole most people aren’t bothered by him. I think overall I just prefer the original trio of Percy, Annabeth and Grover haha. 😀


    1. So glad someone else agrees with me when it comes to Bitterblue. There’s just something about her that never fails to irritate me. Katsa and Po will always be my favourite from that series haha.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Same. I just couldn’t get in to Fire or Bitterblue at all. Plus I felt like Bitterblue’s presence in a lot of the Katsa/Po scenes in the third book was weird, especially when they were clearly having an emotional, intimate moment.

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  2. *le gasp* Simon was one of the few things I liked about the Mortal Instruments, ahah. 😀
    I totally agree with you about Jason, though. He was so boring. I didn’t feel anything for him, and I would have much rather read more about Percy or Leo, both of whom are awesome.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That just means you have less competition for Simon’s affections haha. 😛
      Percy will forever be my number one demigod. No one can compete with him. 😀


  3. THIS. I completely agree 110%. I didn’t like Jason at all either. The way he was just so callous towards Reyna really didn’t suit well with me. 😐 And I wasn’t a huge fan of Tris either. She was okay, but nothing spectacular, you know? Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous post! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh his treatment of Reyna had me fuming. I feel like Jason just saw himself as the top man and it really bugged me.
      Tris is definitely an average, stereotypical YA heroine. I think her fate is the only thing that sets her apart.
      Thank you for visiting. 😀


  4. Oh gosh, Sloane! I loved that book, but she was a terrible friend! I was happy when she found new friends. And I can definitely understand why you weren’t the biggest fan of Lola. She had her moments!
    I haven’t read the rest of the books and now I feel like a failure.
    Great post, Lois!

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    1. I just don’t understand Sloane’s appeal. I feel like their friendship was built upon lies and Emily’s admiration of her made it easy for Sloane to walk all over her.
      I’d say The Raven Cycle is a must read. The characters are just so wonderfully crafted. 😀


    1. I think when it comes down to it the original trio, Percy, Annabeth and Grover had a better dynamic. I feel like Adam’s improved since the first book but we’ll see how things play out in The Raven King.


  5. Simon is probably my least favorite character from Cassandra Clare’s book. You’re right, he was totally irritating. And I read Graceling years ago and loved it, but I don’t remember Bitterblue, haha. So obviously she’s not that memorable. I can understand your reaction towards Jason because I felt the same way. Love this list, Lois!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes. Simon was so irritating, especially in the first few books. He got better towards the end but the damage was already done haha. Bitterblue was just an annoyance so I can definitely see why people would forget about her.
      No one can replace Percy Jackson, especially Jason.

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  6. I didn’t love Froi in the first book of the Lumatere Chronicles either and confess that I was a little disappointed he was taking a lead role in the second book. HOWEVER, I urge you to keep reading! Your feelings about Froi will evolve (as he continues to do) and the storyline in books 2 and 3 makes book 1 seems like a mere warm-up/intro. This series is by far my favorite and book 3 makes my heart ache and sing all at once. I promise it is worth it – I read this series over and over again.

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