Top Ten Tuesday: Series I Need to Finish

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and Bookish where we get a new topic for a top 10 list.

I’ll be the first to admit that I find series to be very daunting, not because I don’t enjoy them but they usually take up a lot of reading time and more often or not, fantasy series can get very intense and heavy. A lot of the time I finish the first book  and then take a break to read something lighter. I’ve started some of these series and I desperately need to start the others.

top 10 series to read

1. The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken: I’ve heard so many wonderful things about this series and I honestly don’t know why I haven’t gotten to reading this series yet but it’s definitely high on my to be read pile.

2. The Legend Series by Marie Lu: This is another series I’m excited to read. The first time I heard of this series was when I was reading Divergent so I think part of the reason I didn’t jump on the bandwagon was because I already had my dystopian fix. I plan on reading this series in the next year.

3. The Lux Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout: I’ve been on the fence about books that feature Aliens and I think that’s part of the reason I’ve been putting off this series for so long. I’ve heard some mixed views on this series but I will give it a chance.

4. Daughter of Smoke & Bone Trilogy by Laini Taylor: I read the first book earlier this year and I planned on continuing with the series straight after finishing the first one. However, at the same time I had a lot of university deadlines to meet so I was very preoccupied and just wasn’t really in the mood to read. I’m really excited to get back into this world and I plan on finishing these books by the end of the year.

5. Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling: I think I’m one of a few people on this earth that has not read the Harry Potter books. I tried reading the first book when I was younger but I just couldn’t get into it and so I put it aside and I’ve never actually returned to the series. I’m in no rush to read the books but I am curios to see if the series lives up to the hype.

6. The Lumatere Chronicles by Melina Marchetta: I read the first book last month and absolutely adored everything about the book. However, it was such an intense, heavy, emotional reading experience that I felt like I needed to take a break before getting into the next book. Froi of the Exiles is next on my to be read list and I’m hoping to finish the series this month.

7. The Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo: Again I’ve heard a lot of great things about this series and I’m told that Six of Crows is set in the same world and I want to tackle this series before reading this book.

8. The Rephaim Series by Paula Weston: I love a series that delves into the angel mythology and this series is set in Australia which makes for a nice surprise. I have high hopes for this series and can’t wait to get my hands on them.

9. The Mistborn Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson: I read and loved the first book in the series and I didn’t have the second and third book on me so I had to wait until those books arrived. In that time I started reading more contemporary books and I wasn’t in the mood to read fantasy so I put these two books on hold. I’m hoping to finish the series by the end of the year.

10. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas: There’s been a lot of talk about this series recently and the premise of the books sound very interesting. However, being a six book series I’ve decided to wait until all the books are released so I can read them in one sitting. I’ve also seen a lot of drama in this fandom as of late and if I started this series now I fear I’d get swept up in all the negativity and wouldn’t enjoy it as much.

Those are the ten series I plan on reading and finishing. Which series are you looking finish?

9 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Series I Need to Finish

  1. I think with ACOTAR I’m going to wait until the next book in the series is released before reading it. I’m on the fence about The Selection series but I might give it a go.


  2. You definitely need to read Harry Potter! The Darkest Minds and Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogies are both series on my TBR. Throne of Glass is an awesome series, but waiting until all the books are released to read it may be a good idea, if only so you don’t have to be tortured by the horrible cliffhangers for a year before reading the next book!
    My TTT:

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    1. I don’t do well with cliffhangers so I definitely think it’d be best for me to wait before the series is complete haha. I will get round to Harry Potter eventually, I’m in no rush though.


  3. Ok with the exception of HP you pretty much made a list of series I need to start. So no list matches. But is that true about The Grisha Series and Six of Crows? How has no one else mentioned this? Gah! I have it pre-ordered and was so looking forward to diving into its pretty pages when it arrives.

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    1. haha I’m glad that my list can be of use to you. From what I hear both Grisha and Six of Crows are based in the same universe but you don’t need to have read the Grisha series before Six of Crows. I’m so excited to get my hands on the book.

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      1. Oh but now I feel I’ll be missing some things if I don’t? I know I’m so excited too. I panicked the other night when I wanted to pre-order it and couldn’t find my B&N GC. Lol.

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