Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Awaken the Tavel Bug In Me

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by the Broke and Bookish and hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl where we get a new topic for a top 10 list.

As I’m writing this I’ll be sat at the airport waiting for my return flight to the UK. So, I think for the time my wanderlust will be sated, but I’m already planning my next adventure. In the meantime, here are the books that make my wanderlust go wild.

1. Wanderlost by Jen Malone: This book had me wanting to go on a cross-country adventure along Europe. There’s just so much history and culture there that I could easily spend months exploring the lands.

2. Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour by Morgan Matson: Who doesn’t love a good road trip? I love the sense of freedom that comes with a road trip. You just get on the road and see where it takes you. Road trips also give you the freedom to deviate from your original plans. Nothing is set in stone with a road trip, and the best thing about it, playlists. You have to have a road trip mix.

3. Invictus by Ryan Graudin: Now to a more fanciful route. If you could choose to go to any historic period, what would it be? What I loved about Invictus was the getting the chance to explore all of these different historical periods. From the sinking of the Titanic to Ancient Rome, these characters appear like flies on a wall watching history play out. It’s such an interesting topic to explore.

4. Starbound trilogy by Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner: Let’s go to space. Out of all the sci-fi books I’ve read, the world I am most likely to visit is the one created in this trilogy. Okay, there was a foreboding threat lingering in the background, but once that matter settled I could really see myself settling down in that universe and explore the wonders of space from their fancy ships. It would also give me the chance to meet Tarver Merendsen aka one of my many book boyfriends.

5. Your Name by Makoto Shinkai: Admittedly, I’m referring to the film more than the book itself, but Your Name was such a visual delight that it reignited my desire to visit Japan. There’s such a contrast between city and rural life, but there’s also such a rich history there. I’d love to explore Japan one day.

Where would you like to visit?
Which books make your wanderlust goes wild?

21 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Awaken the Tavel Bug In Me

  1. I think I’m going to make it a goal to find and listen to every song listed in Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour. Haha. You’ve given me some books to add to my TBR. I haven’t even heard of Invictus before.

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  2. Yes, so many good books in your list! Thank you for sharing. I keep getting the warm and fuzzies when I see everyone’s selection including Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour because it is honestly one of my favourites and one of the first books I thought to add myself. And on that note, where’s your next destination/adventure going to be, now that you’ve started planning?

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    1. Amy & Roger is the perfect book to get you in the mood for an adventure. The layout of the book and everything was just so well thought out. Well, 4 days being home and I’ve decided I’m going to go back to Canada, but do a Winter trip out possibly next February. Not gonna lie, I left a big part of my heart in Canada and I didn’t want to leave haha.

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