Midnight Movies: Halloween Edition

*creeps out of her hiding place* Hello friends. It’s been a while. I’ll be the first to admit that my blogging presence has been non-existent at best. For my own sake, taking a step back was necessary. Now, I know I’ve missed a lot, and I’m not up-to-date with the latest topics and discussions, but when have I ever been? Anyways, this is just a quick little note to apologise for my absence and invite all of you fabulous bloggers to share in the comments the post you’re most proud of so I can check them out. I can’t promise to be a regular, but I’ve not given up on blogging.

In other news, while many will be looking towards the festive season, I’m going to quickly share with you some of the movies I watched in October in anticipation of the spookiest holiday of the year. This is my fright night Midnight Movies special.


Top 30 Halloween 1978 GIFs | Find the best GIF on Gfycat

What would Halloween be if Michael Myers didn’t make an appearance? This horror classic will keep you at the edge of your seats from start to finish. Granted, watching this movie for the first time through a 21st century lens might negate some of the heart in your throat scares, and yes, it does have nearly every cliche horror movie trope there is. However, when it comes to suspense, Halloween ticks all the right boxes. Sound, or lack of, is always a game-changer in horror. It heightens that sense of anticipation and, Halloween’s iconic soundtrack has that perfect balance of haunting suspense and terror. If anything, it’s that anticipation that’s the most terrifying component of the entire film. For a classic slasher movie, Halloween is the perfect fright night movie.


Ringu GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

For a horror film, Ringu may be the one that focuses more heavily on the plot and a race against time as a journalist, Reiko, looks to end this cycle of terror created by a single videotape. Is it a perfect horror movie? Not at all. With a 90 minute run time and plenty of stories to pack in, it’s only natural that some elements fell short in its execution. However, Ringu’s slow-burn pace gradually builds the tension by unravelling the horrors lying beneath the surface of our day to day lives. You could argue that this film kicked started this trend of western-remakes, but even if you’re a fan of the Ring, I’d highly recommend the original.

Blair Witch Project

The Blair Witch Project GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

Hailed a classic, the hype was bound to lead to a certain degree of disappointment. The film leaves much to the imagination with its found-footage technique, and it’s clear that this technique was intent on adding a more immersive personal touch. However, it just didn’t have the intended effect and left much to be desired.

Train to Busan

Train To Busan GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

Train to Busan is everything you could want from a zombie apocalypse epic. It’s more thrilling than terrifying and comes with a nuanced performance from our lead character that heightens the emotional investment from this zombie chase. Underpinned by subtle social commentary and themes, Train to Busan is emotionally draining and stressful. With a western remake needlessly announced, I’d urge you to watch this classic because, as Bong Joon-ho brilliantly said, “if you overcome the barrier of subtitles, you will open yourself up to so many more incredible films.”

DieCast — oui-ladybug: BONG JOON-HO accepting Best Foreign...

What movies have you been watching?
How do you celebrate Halloween?
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3 thoughts on “Midnight Movies: Halloween Edition

  1. I saw The Blair Witch Project in the theater when it was originally released. At the time, it was pretty cutting edge. I remember it creeping me out big time in the theater. I don’t know that would translate well to video. Plus, movies have come a long way since then.


  2. Usually, I’m all for movie discussions, but I’ve literally not watched any of those haha I’m SO picky when it comes to horror or scary stuff. I think Blair Witch Project and Train to Busan might be something I’d enjoy, but there are so many other movies higher up on my to-watch-list. But I’m so happy you posted!!


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