Waiting on Wednesday: A Deadly Education

Originally created by Jill at Breaking The Spine, and adapted to Can’t-Wait Wednesday by Tressa at Wishful Endings, Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme that spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating.

50548197This week I am waiting on
A Deadly Education (Scholomance, #1) by Naomi Novik

Publication Date: September 29th, 2020

Goodreads Summary
Lesson One of the Scholomance

Learning has never been this deadly

A Deadly Education is set at Scholomance, a school for the magically gifted where failure means certain death (for real) — until one girl, El, begins to unlock its many secrets. There are no teachers, no holidays, and no friendships, save strategic ones. Survival is more important than any letter grade, for the school won’t allow its students to leave until they graduate… or die! The rules are deceptively simple: Don’t walk the halls alone. And beware of the monsters who lurk everywhere. El is uniquely prepared for the school’s dangers. She may be without allies, but she possesses a dark power strong enough to level mountains and wipe out millions. It would be easy enough for El to defeat the monsters that prowl the school. The problem? Her powerful dark magic might also kill all the other students.

Naomi Novik and fantasy are a match made in literacy heaven. Novik’s wiring is so atmospheric and vivid, you can’t help but be transported to these worlds. Scholomance sounds like a brutal and deadly experience and I am especially curious to learn more about El’s dark magic and how it manifests in this deadly educational experience.

Have you read any of Naomi Novik’s books?
What’s your most anticipated release?

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